Posts tagged Glitterbago
Your Portable Laundry Solution!

When you live in an RV, life becomes more intense. The simple details of life grow really quickly into big hairy deals.

One such big hairy deal: Laundry.

I have no in-house laundry apparatus, and so if I’m parked at any great distance from a laundromat, what I’ve been doing is strapping it to my scooter.

Except that my scooter’s been out of service since February, which leaves me to get more creative.

Some things I have tried include:

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In which everything is frozen...

I’ve been house-sitting for my Aunt this past week while she’s away on a tropical vacation. I moved the Glitterbago on its maiden voyage about an hour away to her driveway. My intent for these two weeks (we're halfway through) was to have extra time to finish up my current efforts on the Glitterbago, so that next week I would be happily living in it as I drive away into the sunset towards Sunny Florida. That mostly includes finishing sorting and storing my possessions. But it also includes getting the DC electrical circuit checked out by someone who knows more than I do, so that my rolling home will be fully equipped with luxuries like running water and refrigeration.

Turns out the universe ain’t havin’ nothin’ of my plans.

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