This is what intuition looks like, an actual transcript of my morning.


This is what intuition looks like, an actual transcript of my morning.

After spending a long time futzing around on my phone, realize that I need to just go sit outside. Leave the phone inside, make a cup of tea, and decide to go enjoy the breeze and the view.

On the way out, a book catches my eye. Ok I’ll take it with me, and enjoy the tea, the breeze, the view, AND the book.

Open the book to the beginning. Start reading. Feel bored.

Flip open to some random page and start reading that. Sucked in immediately.

Halfway through a paragraph, a friend pops into my head. Ok I’ll give her a call.

She picks up right away, and the first words out of her mouth are “You have the most perfect timing! Up until a moment ago I had no reception. But also, how perfect that you call because I got into a big fight with my husband this morning.”

We start talking about it, and as she’s talking, I realize that this is exactly the thing I was just reading about in my book.

I read it to her.

We both are like WOAH.

'Yep that was totally for me.'

And then we go on to talk for an hour, as medicine for each other, getting a whole bunch of needs met that we hadn’t quite realized were there.

I can remember watching my spiritual ‘elders’, for years, as they'd talk about their own 'woah' experiences - hanging on every word they’d say about intuition and guidance. First I had to let myself believe it was a real thing. That it could be done. Collect a bunch of case studies, as it were. Then last year I dove hard into working on my own. I’m still totally working on it, but I’ve learned again and again that if you just follow that quiet impulse, that there’s a whole story just waiting to unfold and be woven together for you right in front of your eyes.

So I’m going to start sharing more regularly, accounts of these little miracles, for anyone out there who is looking. #ThisIsWhatIntuitionLooksLike

That’s actually why I sat down to quick type this out. I had the little impulse, and clearly we are on a roll today.

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